There is no doubt: if you cannot live
the Truth claimed in the Bible
then it is not Truth.
Perhaps we need a distinction between being Christians
and being a follower of Jesus.
Books that have changed my life:
Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell
The Spirit of the Disciplines- Dallas Willard
The Ascent of a Leader -
Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, Ken McElrath
Colossians Remix -
Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat
The problem with the American church is there are few practitioners
of the life of Jesus.
Pastors have studied
the word of God in a secluded
They prepare to lead a church by studying the text and the meaning of words.
Pastors then go
out and
tell what they have learned about the words of God.
Their religion is theoretical, mental, and study of, and talk about, text they have parsed.
Seldom (perhaps never) do they become practitioners of that which they
They lack the joy and peace they claim comes only from their God.
Claiming to be advocates of truth their lives begin and end in lies.
They are exegetes, leading the sheep, not practitioners of Isaiah 61.
(This is NOT a knock against pastors. Sadly, it is what the church has evolved into.)
If a pastor does not love people first and last, then another occupation is needed.